Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Degremont Wins two contracts worth Euro 41 mn in India

Degrémont has won two DBO (design, build, operate) contracts for two wastewater treatment plants in New Delhi and Bangalore, India's Silicon Valley. This investment is part of the Yamuna Action Plan II, a bilateral project between the Indian and Japanese governments aimed at rehabilitating the quality of water in the Yamuna River, which provides over 70% of New Delhi's water needs. The Delhi Jal Board has awarded Degrémont a DBO contract to build an urban wastewater treatment plant at Delhi Gate Nalla with a capacity of 70,000 m3 per day. The new plant will take two years to build, followed by 11 years of operation and maintenance for a total sum of approximately Euro 29 million. The treated wastewater will be reused as make-up water by local industries and the Delhi Gate Nalla power plant.  will equip the plant with two flagship technologies: Densadeg, a robust, condensed and multipurpose decantation process, and Biofor, a compact fixed-biological-culture treatment system, enabling the plant's surface area to be limited to 25,000 m2. The Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board has awarded Degrémont a DBO contract worth EURO 12 million for a tertiary wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 40,000m3/day at Raja Canal. Following the design and construction phase, which is scheduled to last 15 months, Degrémont will be responsible for operating and maintaining the plant for five years.

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